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Take your business to the next stage in 2018

We are inviting you to attend our first event of 2018 with a business planning masterclass with the inspirational award winning Business Man of the Year, Craig Wilkinson, Founder of the Elite Business Academy.

Start the new year will have a full day of business development, be part of a small group attending and have an opportunity to support and network with other business owners while being fully educated on how to take your business to the next stage.

What you will learn by attending this Business Planning Masterclass:

Step 1 – Identify The 9 Key Areas Of Business There are 9 key fundamental areas of your business that you have to identify and master. All 9 key areas have to be specifically built into your plans to ensure you are building a balanced and structured business.

Step 2 – Creating Your 12 Month Vision We are going to get the dream and vision that’s been floating around in the back of your head out once and for all. We will take your 12 month vision and specifically dissect it and restructure it into the 9 key areas.

Step 3 – Identifying Your Strengths & Weaknesses Before we can begin to put any form of plan together we first have to identify what your business strengths and weaknesses are. We will work through 121 different areas of your business to score your business performance in the 9 key areas.

Step 4 – Completing Your 12 Month Business Plan Now we have all the information to create and write your 12 month business plan. This is created from your 12 months vision and combining your business strengths and weaknesses. Your plan is then broken down into 4 quarters over the 12 months.

Step 5 – Completing Your 90 Day Action Plan The final step is to create a 90 day action plan. This will identify every goal and milestone that has to be completed over the first quarter or 90 days. This powerful plan is then broken down into weekly tasks and added to your default diary.

Spaces for this event are limited so don't delay in booking - click here to find out more and book your

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